Recruiting Service

Our Search Process

We’re good listeners! Tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll take it from there. 

Before starting our search, our team ensures you that we have a clear understanding of the seeking candidate’s profile. Our team learns about your business history, company, team, future opportunities and your open role requirements. utilizes our Nationwide Online Job Center as well as our produce industry marketing and connections to root the type of candidate you are searching for.

After coordinating our search, our team collects 3 to 5 qualified candidates who most closely match our client’s needs. Each potential candidate is pre-screened and interviewed prior to us proposing them to you for consideration.

We coordinate and schedule all interviews – Including phone, Facetime, Skype and in-person meetings.

We maintain contact with the employee and client throughout our executive search process and after the new employee’s start date to guarantee our service.

We put our name on each candidate that we refer so we will only refer the very best!

Recruiting Experience

We have successfully recruited for most of the Job Positions that exist within the Produce Industry. Our recruiting experience includes placements in the following categories:

Contact us for more information. We look forward to working with you in the achievement of your hiring goals for your company! – Proudly Serving the Produce Industry for over 25 years!

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